Client Reviews
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
I first starting working with Chris when a colleague of mine seemed to be doing well financially referred me to her. When I asked her for help, she told me she had been working with Chris for the last couple of years and it had really given her peace of mind about her money. I wanted what she had. I don’t trust anyone to see my finances. But my colleague said she felt the same way but has never had anything but positive happen while working with Chris. So that’s how our relationship started. Since I have been working with Chris she’s helped me get organized and automate my finances. I never had passive income and now I have money working for me. Not only is my wealth growing my income has also increased and not because of working more. She has helped me not only implement more nontraditional ways of increasing my wealth but protecting it as well. I am so thankful to be working with Chris. She is here for me whenever I have any financial decisions to make. She has never made me feel incompetent when it comes to my finances. I feel confident about my finances now. My only regret is not meeting her sooner.
- Monica / Project Manager
I first ‘met’ Chris on a podcast. I had been chatting with a few ‘financialspecialists’ at the time looking for real guidance that lined up with my valuesand goals. I hated the stock market and always felt like it was a formalversion of a Vegas Casino. You can’t control the outcome in the stock market,and you just have to pray the whole thing doesn’t tank. Hearing Chris onthat podcast led me to reading her book, The Less You Know The More TheyMake and connecting with her. We clicked instantly and Chris not onlyis my Financial Consultant, but I consider her a dear friend. The opportunitiesChris has brought to us are phenomenal. I knew these types of investmentsexisted, but I just couldn’t find them on my own. My husband and I are finallyfinancially free and could retire today if we wanted. Working with Chris hasenabled me to help my father and the rest of my family in ways I had onlydreamed. It truly has been a blessing working with Chris and we lookforward to many years to come.
-Jeanie H.
Thank you, Chris, for sharing your wealth generator system! I never thought I would feel so confident with my financial decisions. Thank you for enlightening me on options I never knew existed. You not only helped me create passive income but helped me set up a protective wall around my dreams so that nothing will get in the way of me living them. Chris, I admire how sincere you are. Anxiety about meeting with a financial advisor had held me back for many years. I recently inherited money when my father passed away. I didn’t want to blow it, and I didn’t want anyone taking advantage of my ignorance. My father worked hard for the money. I am very appreciative of your suggestions and helping me implement them. Now my family has increased our monthly income. My children also will have their college paid for or a fund to help them start their own business if they choose.
You have helped more than you know. Thank you!
- Suzan / Nurse
I went to Chris for a retirement review just to confirm I’m on the right track. I’ve done well for myself. I’ve always been good with money. To my surprise, she did compliment what I had done so far, but she had a couple of suggestions. She educated me on a couple of options that I had never heard of. Not only has she helped enhance my retirement, but she increased my cash flow, which was a blessing. Thank you so much!
- Tara / Chemist
As a business owner of a growing business, I knew I needed a more disciplined approach to saving and investing so all my hard work would take care of me in the future. I connected with Chris to see if she could help me. I was not disappointed. She walked with me step by step and helped me understand the importance of compiling all your financial information in one place so you can access where you are and ultimately where you want to go. I now have a plan in place to consistently save and the best part about it is that she showed me how to set it up automatically. I am glad I took the proactive step in managing my finances before it’s too late!
- Shari / Insurance Agency Owner
I lost the high paying job that I had been with for over 20 years. I am so embarrassed that I don't have a lot to show for it. Having two cars with high payments and renting for the last 20 years. I haven’t put a lot into the retirement plan my company offered. I knew Chris could help me develop a plan. But I was too embarrassed to tell her this mess I’ve been in. I went to her as soon as I started a new position. Thank God for her. She has me on an automated system now to reach my goals.
- Karen / Software Developer
Cash Flow Queen. That's what I call Chris. I met her in her Facebook group for women. I sent her a private message to get her opinion on something and ask her a few questions, and she was very down to earth and unassuming. Chris is not like any other financial person I've spoken with; she didn't talk over my head. First, she helped me clarify my goals and what's keeping me from reaching them. I decided to work with Chris as a client. As we have worked together, she's given me some options that I had never heard that created almost immediate cash flow for me. That's why I call her the Cash Flow Queen. I now feel much more confident in my financial future with her and her financial team on my side. I apologize for the long testimonial, but I have learned so much in the short amount of time we've been working together that I couldn't decide what part to write about.
Thank you so much, Chris. You will never know how much I appreciate you.
- Carrie/ IT Developer
I retired in 2016 and wondered if I would outlive the money I had set aside for retirement. I have had money invested in Mutual Funds, and it has grown some but not near fast enough.
I remember her words to me; would you be interested in “living off of your interest without ever touching your principle." It piqued my interest, to say the least. This revenue stream is just what I needed (and) am very thankful to Chris for enlightening me to a different option. She also asked if I had Trust; I said no, and she explained why people should have a Trust to protect themselves and their families.
So, I did it. I am very thankful to CQ Consulting for her expert advice.
- John / Retired Commercial Sign Sales Manager
When you have worked hard for the past 50 years and have sacrificed and saved to ensure that your loved ones will be cared for in your old age and beyond, you cannot entrust your nest egg to just anyone. That person must not only have integrity and honesty, but he/she must have a passion for the responsibility to care for your interests and assets. My wife Debbie and I sleep soundly at night knowing that Chris Quintana has our back. And you should too. We highly recommend her and her services.
- Pierre / Pool Contractor
Chris has really helped me plan for my financial future. She has been great at making complicated financial planning make sense to me. She is a wonderful advocate for women to learn how to manage and take control of their finances. I highly recommend her.
- Hannah Forest Fox
Chris is incredibly knowledgeable and committed to helping women take part in their financial futures. I personally have never taken a role in my financial future but she has made it easier for me to understand and inspired me to do so. I look forward to every conversation with her I always come away with a smile and some new knowledge. If you're looking for some direction and guidance and want to be in the driver seat of your own financial future I highly recommend Chris!
- Angela Sekki
Christina is friendly and knowledgeable and really outdoes herself in trying to help you reach your goals. She breaks it down in easy, manageable chunks so you can still enjoy life and get out of debt!
- Shanonn Thompson Hale
I think that Chris is awesome! I have peace of mind now! I have been so stressed about my money and didn't know where to start and I was nervous because I didn't know who to trust. Chris made it super easy for me and my husband and I would trust her with our bank account! Thanks Chris!!
- Robyn Fitts-Dawson
I have been working with Chris for a little over two years now. She has helped me face my greatest fear… Money. I didn’t like discussing money because I didn’t have it. What was hard for me was discovering why I don’t have it and how to change that. Mistakes were made in my past. But they are being rectified. With Chris’ help I have been able to come up with plans for my immediate future and my long-term future. She has helped me gain an understanding of my relationship with money. And though the topic of money still scares me at times I’m much more willing to face it and deal with it. chris has helped me create a future not just for me but also for my children. She truly cares about her clients. She has an understanding that goes beyond any financial coach I’ve ever seen. And I know a lot of them. If you are ready to get your finances in order and have your money start working for you you truly want to work with Chris.
- Jennifer K. Majdali Ervin
I recommend CQ because of her extensive knowledge about finding freedom. She is amazing!
- Amy Valdivia
She thinks both inside and outside the box, creatively in the financial arena. She is an honest woman with a heart for helping others.
- Mary Tatom Fletcher
She is passionate About what she does and helping women learn about finances. Also Honest that there says a lot to me...
- Peggy Moore
It's as if Chris received her financial education from the womb. She clearly knows what she's talking about and has a passion for sharing her knowledge.
- Angela Jackson
You will find Chris to really care about helping you and she will do all she can for you.
- Carol Phillpotts